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N Warning Signs of Prostate Cancer Men Shouldn’t Ignore

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Common cancer symptoms in men may vary from that of women. Men may face difficulty to urinate, which should never be ignored. Early stages of prostate cancer are not shown to have any signs or symptoms. To detect prostate cancer at an early stage, one can depend on certain signs and symptoms, which could either prove to be true or not. If there is any symptom detected, one must go for prostate cancer treatment in Bangalore. Monitoring and testing are required for prostate cancer treatment.

Signs that may concern with prostate cancer
  1. Difficulty in urinating emptying the bladder
  2. Blood in the urine
  3. Observing cases of erectile dysfunction
  4. The urge to urinate frequently even at night
  5. Frequent urination
  6. Discomfort or pain when sitting caused by an enlarged prostate gland
  7. Weak or interrupted urine flow; the need for straining to empty the bladder
  8. Pain or burn during urination
  9. Pressure or pain in the rectum
prostate cancer treatment in bangalore

Things to remember-

  • Trouble in urinating or interruptive urinating does not necessarily mean that it is Cancer. BPH or Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy, which is basically the enlargement of the prostate are benign that cause similar symptoms and are very common.
  • Difficulty in having an erection could likely be caused by other factors such as diabetes, smoking, cardiovascular disease or just plain getting older.
  • Sometimes men suffering from prostate cancer may not have any of these signs altogether.
  • If one does not have prostate cancer but have a family history of prostate cancer and is over 50 years, one should check with his general practitioner.
  • It might seem unfair to listen to but ethnic origin also plays a role in chances that someone can have prostate cancer.
  • Recent studies have suggested that STD or Sexually Transmitted Infections could be one of the factors that cause prostate cancer.
  • Extreme exposure to chemicals such as cadmium could lead up to the development of prostate cancer.


If cancer has spread outside the prostate cancer, as additional signs and symptoms, a man may experience unexplained weight loss, change in bowel habits, pain in back, hips, thighs, shoulders or other bones, swelling in legs or feet and weakness in legs or difficulty walking, especially if suffering from constipation.


Two commonly used tests that are used to diagnose prostate cancer in men are-
  1. Digital Rectal Exam or DRE: A doctor examines your prostate with a gloved finger to look for any unusual lumps or growth
  2. Prostate-specific antigen Test or PSA: This blood test looks for higher levels of PSA in blood, which indicate the presence of prostate cancer

Choosing a healthy diet: Whether you can prevent prostate cancer with the help of a certain type of diet is yet to be proved. But maintaining a healthy diet consisting of fruits vegetable and avoiding foods containing high-fat can improve your overall health.


Maintaining body weight: Maintaining weight according to age and height is one of the important things. This can be achieved with a healthy diet and exercise.


Consulting your doctor for increased risk of prostate cancer and prostate cancer treatment would be better. Men with a high risk of prostate cancer or family history might consider getting a checkup done just to make sure of the possible situations and outcomes. For the most reliable diagnosis and checkup, one must visit prostate cancer treatment in Bangalore where there are several centres and clinics where you can get your checkup done.