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Prostate Cancer Treatment : Types?

· prostate cancer,cancer hospital,cancer treatment,uro oncology

Diseases like cancer are something that is always out of control, and humans have little to do to save their lives. This was a notion for the people even a decade ago, but modern science and oncology institutes of different countries have now proved it otherwise. Like any other cancer, prostate cancer is also a growing problem among the male and only a better understanding of your problem will help you find a better solution. So, when it comes to the treatment, you can look out for some of the best prostate cancer hospitals in India.

Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Cancer :

The symptoms may vary for a person suffering from prostate cancer. In some cases, detecting prostate cancer becomes difficult if a person does not have any signs and symptoms at all.

Given below are some of the symptoms and signs of prostate cancer:

  • Interrupted flow of urine
  • Facing difficulty during urination
  • Difficulty in emptying the bladder completely
  • Frequent urination during the night time
  • Passing of semen or blood with urine
  • Pain in pelvis, hips, and back
  • Painful ejaculation

Types of Treatment for Prostate Cancer :


The treatment of prostate cancer may vary depending upon the type of problem that one is having. So, visiting a specialist doctor is the best option for prostate cancer treatment. These will not only help you in having a better understanding of your problem but also help you in taking suggestion from the doctor:

prostate cancer treatment in bangalore | India
  • Surgery - When the problem of prostate cancer is in stage 3 or stage 4 and required an operation, the doctor conducts a prostatectomy which is done to remove the prostate. In the case of radical prostatectomy, the prostate, as well as the surrounding tissues, are got removed.
  • Close Monitoring - The patients with prostate cancer are kept under active surveillance to see how the patient is responding to the treatment and medication. Sometimes the doctors conduct a digital rectal exam or prostate-specific antigen according to the situation of the patient. Besides, it also involves conducting regular biopsies if only the situation gets worst.
  • Radiation Therapy - This therapy is conducted only when the patient is having a stage-3 or stage-4 prostate cancer. It is done using a high-energy x-ray to kill the cancer cells. Also, there are two types of radiation therapy which are given below:
    • Internal radiation therapy: It is done surgically by placing radioactive seeds or pallets near the prostate to destroy the cancer cells.
    • External radiation therapy: This therapy is conducted by using a machine that radiates x-rays from outside and is directed to the cancer cells in the prostate.

Advanced Robotic Radical Prostatectomy

Apart from this, there are other types of treatments that are conducted for prostate cancer. This includes:

  • Chemotherapy - Chemotherapy is done to kill cancer by using special drugs to shrink the cancer cell in the prostate.
  • Cryotherapy - It is an internal therapy that is done by placing a special probe near the area of the prostate cancer cells to freeze and kill it.
  • High-intensity Ultrasound - This therapy is done through high-intensity soundwaves by focusing it on the cancer area of the prostate.
  • Biological Therapy - It is done with the help of a man’s body immune system, which helps to fight other types of cancer and side-effects of the treatment.
  • Hormone Therapy - It is conducted to block the hormone from which the cancer cells in the prostate grows.

The bottom line:

Every day doctors and scientists are working round the clock to bring new alternative and complementary treatment that provide more relief to the prostate cancer patient. Moreover, there are a lot of new researches and clinical trials that are underway and will bring a better solution to prostate cancer treatment in the upcoming days.