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Six Myths and Misconceptions about Prostate Cancer

· prostate cancer,cancer treatment,cancer hospital

Rising incidents of people being diagnosed with prostate cancer have led to an increase in certain myths and misconceptions about prostate cancer surgery. It is important for people to be aware of such myths and rather gain knowledge about accurate symptoms, causes, and aftereffects of the surgery. The doctors will be able to provide the best treatment for prostate cancer only when they will have the correct data and mental readiness from the patient.

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  •  No symptoms mean that the person is not affected by Prostate Cancer  

Prostate Cancer is generally determined by the symptoms of the disease. However, in many cases, it is possible that doctors will not be able to diagnose the symptoms at the earliest stage. This is because Prostate Cancer is asymptomatic cancer. Therefore, it is advised that one should be aware of not only the symptoms but the causes behind the disease.

It is in the best interest to go for regular check-ups, especially after the age of sixty-five years.

  •  Increase in the amount of PSA can lead to Prostate Cancer 

PSA refers to Prostate-Specific Antigen. Increase in PSA is one of the symptoms of Prostate Cancer, however, it is not the only symptom. Sometimes, inflamed prostate can cause a rise in the PSA level. It is not a cancer test, but it should be kept in check.

Increase in Prostate-Specific Antigen should not be treated as a fire alarm rather a smoke alarm. The doctors usually keep a sharper check after this.

  • Prostate Cancer can only affect the older generation 

There are many factors that affect the probability of a person being diagnosed with Prostate Cancer such as race, geographical location, family history, physical health, and lifestyle. A person whose father or brother is a prostate cancer patient is 3-4 times more vulnerable to the disease. Moreover, African-American men have been more exposed to such disease. The reason behind such a realization has not yet been discovered.

Disputing the earlier belief that Prostate Cancer can only affect the older generation, recent studies have shown that 35% of Prostate Cancer patients are below the age of 65 years. Men under 40 years have an even rarer chance of being diagnosed, however, it is still a possibility.

  • Once it has been diagnosed, it has to be treated immediately 

There are twenty-nine types of Prostate Cancer. The doctors are able to provide the best treatment for prostate cancerbased on the fact of how aggressively the prostate cancer is spreading. Furthermore, there are two points that doctors keep in mind while suggesting treatment methods:

  • If prostate cancer is growing slowly, doctors may advise against immediate treatment. Such patients may be put under ‘Active Surveillance'.
  • If prostate cancer is diagnosed in very old men, it is usually suggested that prostate cancer surgery should be avoided. This is because such surgery cannot improve the lifespan of the person, but will only cause hindrance in the treatment of other health problems.
  • Prostate Cancer Surgery can lead to urine leakage

According to the studies and data collected, it has been noted that within 14 months after prostate cancer surgery, 95% of the patients were able to gain control over their bladder, leading to a drastic decrease in the urine leakage.

  • Once Prostate Cancer has been diagnosed, it will be fatal 

Prostate cancer is classified according to numbers. The general classification is as follows:

  • Prostate cancers that come under ‘Gleason 6 or below’ category - they either do not spread or spread very slowly. Therefore, the doctors usually recommend such patients to not go through prostate cancer surgery. They are put under ‘Active Surveillance’ and they usually live up to old age.
  • Prostate cancers that come under ‘Gleason 7 and above' category - this type of cancer is usually fatal. After such a diagnosis, the doctors will recommend the best treatment of prostate canceraccording to the Gleason number discovered. These are of various types such as radiation or hormone therapy.

It is important for us to have proper knowledge about prostate cancer rather than assuming it. If in case you are affected by this diseases, then it’s important to get treated without any delay.